Unlock private business insights, trends 
and market behaviours with Quota Sightline

Search real-time and projected private business insights through our comprehensive Sightline tools - including our incoming Sightline Terminal

  • Large
  • Accurate
  • Accessible
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See the past and future across entire industries, calculate risk and see market effects

Quota Sightline is an advanced insight engine that uses the power of QCS, QAI, SmartBudgets and Touchstone to deliver industry and geolocation specific data to those who need it. Sightline is able to see inside businesses and recognize trends and behaviours, track them over time and compare them to aggregated data sets.

Sightline unlocks private business insights to investment groups, financial services teams, banks, researchers and governments through Sightline Terminal - a secure, single point of access portal that allows you to search and filter an exhaustive range of live business activity.

Sightline Comprehensive


Sightline offers 50 unique business insights validated against over 1,000,000 active SMBs in over 710 industries - nationally, provincially and hyper-locally - with real-time business activity.

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Compare numbers and get predictive insights through recognized, highly accurate statistical standards that align to - but go beyond - government statistical resources.


Sightline will be available as Sightline Terminal - an enterprise-level, accessible web portal - and as a secure Sightline API which can be directly integrated in your existing analysis architecture.



All standard data resources are reactive and based on historical data. Sightline is unique as it incorporates budgeted projections which are constantly realigned with live business data.

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Unlike standard data resources, Sightline isn't reliant on tax periods or government reporting cadences. Sightline is updated minute by minute alongside the businesses it monitors.

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Sightline isn't static, it's constantly growing and evolving. And with the underlying power of QCS and QAI, it's constantly delving deeper into the complex relationships inherent in private business data.