Benchmarking private business with Quota Touchstone

Define and explore benchmarks for every business in every industry in every location with our Touchstone integrations and Touchstone API

  • 1M+ Businesses
  • 710+ Industries
  • 50+ KPIs
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Reliable, accurate benchmarking for every 
industry and key performance indicator

Quota Touchstone is a benchmarking engine that goes beyond any statistical resource. That’s because it’s powered by both QCS and SmartBudgets - meaning it’s powered by a deeper, more granular codec and has the ability to benchmark both the past and future.

Touchstone API will unlock private business benchmarking to broader financial technology applications, KYC processes, financial services, research groups, policy makers and investment firms.

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50+ unique business insights validated against over 1,000,000+ active SMBs in over 710+ industries - nationally, provincially and hyper-locally.

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Touchstone aligns benchmarks to known statistical models and quartiles, allowing easy synchronicity with government statistical databases and data resources.


Touchstone is already integrated into every Quota subscription and will soon be accessible via our Touchstone API.

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Touchstone benchmarks are unique per location, per industry and per individual business, with weighting and quartile classification for seasonality, business model and size of business.



All standard benchmarks are reactive and based on historical data. Touchstone incorporates budgeted projections which are constantly realigned with live business data.

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Unlike standard data resources, Touchstone isn't reliant on tax periods or government reporting cadences but is instead updated minute by minute alongside the businesses it monitors.